The Family Life Commission has undertaken the support of those people who are bereaved within the Archdiocese.
Courses have been run in a variety of places to assist parishes to set up a support group. To date 12 courses have been completed with people from all over the Archdiocese participating. The work is now spreading throughout our parishes and it is our hope that as a result more help is given to people during this sad and often lonely time.
The course runs for 5 weeks and covers a variety of topics with many specialised speakers participating. We look at the Stages of Grief, Listening Skills, Confidentiality, how to set up a parish group and the help that can be offered to the bereaved. As well as offering practical suggestions, all courses have a spiritual element and the course always concludes with Mass. We have also run refresher days at the Pastoral Centre, when we have heard of very special case like suicide, the death of a child, miscarriage and sudden and unexpected deaths. The Commission will continue with this work and hope to run another course in 2013.
The work has now spread and we run courses for schools that help children and young people cope with loss. Many of our primary schools run a RAINBOWS programme and some secondary schools run a SPECTRUM programme. We are fortunate to have three registered directors of the RAINBOWS organisation in our Archdiocese. These go out to the schools and train the staff to deal with their children who suffer loss in all its various forms, including divorce and separation as well as the death of a family member.
The symbol of the rainbow signifies that despite all the problems that there may be, there is hope, the storm may pass over, life goes on and can be good again.
The Family Life Commission hope that in some way, through the work they do with the bereaved, that people will be helped to see that though life will be changed, there can be a bright future ahead.
Should you wish to have further details about our courses then please e-mail us at flc@rcadc.org.