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Family Life Celebration 2014

A Celebration of Family Life 

An ecumenical celebratory service was held on Saturday, March 8th in St David’s Cathedral, Cardiff. It was attended by leaders & members from at least seven Christian Churches and organisations from across the diocese, (Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist, Free churches, Church in Wales, Evangelical & Catholic), with members from these churches playing an active role in the service through reading, playing music or bringing symbols to the altar.

Archbishop George Stack welcomed everyone and the homily was given by Rev. Dr. Stephen Wigley, Chair of Wales Synod of the Methodist Church. In His homily, Rev. Wigley referred to the importance of families but recognised that they are not always happy places for people, saying: ‘I know many who have been hurt and who still bear scars of painful memories’. He referred to chapter 15 of the gospel of St John which was read at the service, in which we are reminded that God is at the heart of all that brings life.  ‘We are called to be part of a community that shares that love and life, a community marked by friendship, following his example and living in his love.’

Aiming to be inclusive of all families, the hymns, reflections & prayers for ‘The Family’ included a hymn and reading in Welsh and the hymn ‘Let there be love shared among us’ signed by the Archdiocese of Cardiff’s Deaf Service. An adoptive father expressed his appreciation of the inclusion of ‘adoptive parents ‘ in the prayer for those with vocations in many forms. Many of those who attended expressed that it had been a lovely service, some saying they had found it ‘moving’ and ’emotional’.

Confirmation candidates from the parish of Penarth & Dinas Powys were especially pleased to have been invited to the service and took part by reading and carrying symbols to the altar.Ecumenical Family Celebration

This event was organised by the Archdiocesan Commissions for Family Life (chaired by Mrs Anne Ballard) & Christian Unity (chaired by Mrs Carys Whelan) with the support of Cytun, Churches Together in Wales. Mrs Ballard said that many personal contacts had been made in the preparation process and on the day. Both she and Mrs Whelan saw it as another positive step forward in Christian churches in our area working together and wish to thank everyone who attended and helped make it such a success.

Celebrating the Richness of Marriage and Family Life in Cwmbran

Golden Wedding couple with Archbishop George StackThis September was a special month for Colleen and Michael Brocklehust of Our Lady of the Angels parish, Cwmbran, who were celebrating 50 years of marriage. and who had a special part to play in this year’s Celebration of Marriage and Family Life organised by the Archdiocesan Family Life Commission.

The parish had responded wholeheartedly to the invitation of the Commission to host this year’s Mass to be said by Archbishop George Stack, to celebrate the richness of marriage and family life.

Four priests concelebrated the Mass with the Archbishop, who in his homily referred to two articles written in support of traditional marriage, but stated that the most powerful message that day was the witness of the very many married couples present, who then renewed their marriage vows.

At the offertory, special symbols representing aspects of marriage and family life were carried to the altar by an engaged couple and married couples among whom were those celebrating 40 and 50 years of marriage. After Mass refreshments were provided by ladies of the parish, and a special cake was cut by Colleen and Michael who were celebrating their golden wedding with their family that weekend,


Archbishop George Stack joins golden wedding couple Colleen and Michael Brocklehurst in cutting the celebratory cake.

This article first appeared in the Catholic People, in December 2012.